
Abstract Cisplatin, a platinum-based drug, is one of the oldest and most widely used chemotherapeutic agents. It exerts its anti-tumor effect by forming DNA inter-strand and intra-strand cross-links, resulting in lesions that eventually activate apoptotic pathways. Cisplatin remains widely used for the treatment of several solid tumors, though this is often limited by its toxicity which can affect many organ systems, including nephrotoxicity, hepatotoxicity, ototoxicity, and neurotoxicity. A dose-dependent peripheral sensory neuropathy is the most reported cisplatin-induced neurotoxicity. Central nervous system (CNS) toxicity is less common, likely due to the large molecular size of cisplatin preventing its passage through the blood-brain barrier (BBB). There have been reports of cognitive impairment, posterior reversible encephalopathy syndrome, and optic neuritis associated with cisplatin. We present a case of a 38-year-old patient who was treated with concurrent cisplatin and radiation therapy for oropharyngeal/nasopharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma, and around a month after the end of therapy, was found to have imaging findings concerning for pancerebellitis. Extensive workup into infectious causes of cerebellitis was negative. Although there are no reports in the literature of cerebellitis due to cisplatin, it could be the culprit in this case. Animal studies have shown cerebellar dysfunction occurring in the setting of cisplatin exposure. Moreover, it is thought that the drug can reach the CNS if there is a disruption of the BBB, this is supported by the fact that CNS toxicity is more seen in patients who have primary CNS neoplasia, CNS metastatic disease, radiation exposure to the head, among other mechanisms that could potentially disrupt the BBB. Thus, it is important to consider CNS adverse effects, including cerebellitis, in patients receiving cisplatin, especially among those with a potentially compromised BBB.

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