
Use of 2-methoxybenzyl analogues of 2C-X phenethylamines (NBOMe) is increasing in the United States. Twenty-five NBOMe exposures reported to Texas poison centers during 2012–2013 were identified; 76% involved 25I-NBOMe, 12% involved 25C-NBOMe, and 12% involved an unknown NBOMe. Eighty-eight percent of the patients were men; mean age was 17 years (range, 14–25 years). The exposure route was 72% from ingestion alone, 12% from inhalation alone, 4% from ingestion and inhalation, and 12% from an unknown route. The most common clinical effects were tachycardia (52%), agitation (48%), hallucinations (32%), hypertension (32%), confusion (24%), and mydriasis (20%). Two patients died.

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