
Al Bayda’s younger granitic pluton located within the western Arabian Shield, Al Madinah area, KSA, has been studied using collaborative techniques. The collected samples were studied petrographically using a polarizing microscope and geochemically using the XRF technique. Four suites of intrusions can be distinguished based on their mineralogical and geochemical characteristics. A muscovitized epidotize hornblende leucocratic altered granite is the earliest intrusion, followed by perthite alkali feldspar granite. Both are intruded by a chessboard-like texture, Arfvedsonite-aegirine nepheline peralkaline granite. These three types of younger granitoid rocks are intruded by pegmatite-aplite sheets. The metasomatically altered epidotized, muscovitized granite formed during a late magmatic phase that was probably followed by successive co-magmatic and hydrothermal alterations in a closed system. The metasomatic alteration produced enrichment in Zr (up to 699 ppm), Nb (up to 67 ppm), and REE (up to 261 ppm) contents. As a result, residual alkalis, fluoride complexes, and iron-rich mixing fluids contribute to these enrichments. The hypersolvus perthite alkali feldspar exhibited post-orogenic A-type geochemical characteristics, whereas the peralkaline exhibited an anorogenic affinity, and both have been generated within plate-related tectonic settings. An A-type signature is probably the result of melting in the lower crust, whereas tectonic mechanisms shifted from post-orogenic to anorogenic due to the Najd fault system. Utilizing Al Bayda granite placer deposit products in the ceramic industry requires removing zircon minerals. The recorded HFSE, Nb, and REE are also recommended for detailed exploration.

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