
The paper presents contemporary surnames of Podlasie derived from the names of professions, courtesy titles, held offices and performed functions. Several groups of anthroponyms were identified through etymological analysis of the gathered material, primarily focused on the semantics of word roots. Contemporary surnames were formed from the following categories of words associated with: 1) crafts (Bondar, Kowalczuk), 2) agriculture, forestry and animal production (Fiszer, Pastuszak), 3) food preparation (Kucharczuk, Mielczarek), 4) trade (Budnik, Salnikow), 5) protection of objects and facilities (Leśnik, Pasiecznik), 6) mansion service (Dworańczyk, Pachołek), 7) music (Fidler, Grajko), 8) occasional functions (Drużba, Krzyżak), 9) religion (Kirchner, Monachowicz), 10) military service (Atamańczyk, Janczar), 11) public offices (Rejent, Tywonek), 12) social status (Dziedzic, Ofman), 13) others (Godun, Stangryciuk). Some surnames (e.g. Budnik, Hajduk, Pachołek) were allocated to more than one category because of their polysemous lexemes. From a linguistic point of view the analysed surnames come from Polish (Cieśla, Krawiec), East Slavic (Czebotariow, Monach), German (Rezler, Sznajderuk) or Baltic words (Dojlida). In terms of word formation, most surnames are the equivalents of common names (Kołodziej, Ogrodnik), although there are also derivative surnames with suffixes (Korolko, Szwajdych), some representing the patronymic model (Majstrowicz, Tokarzewicz; Puszkaruk, Szklaruk) or having genetically possessive suffixes (Kniaziew, Winnikow).

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