
Navigation training at the United States Air Force Academy is unique. The training is directed not only at future Air Force line navigators, but also at future pilots and combat support officers. The courses are designed to acquaint the cadet with the science of navigation rather than to train him to be a navigator. The basic course, Navigation Indoctrination, is the mainstay of the Navigation Division. The course covers basic dead reckoning, map reading, radar, day celestial, weather, airways and instrument flying, and an introduction to advanced techniques and equipment. The Navigation Concepts and Systems Development Course expands on the cadet's basic knowledge and strives to stimulate his mind toward the development and uses of advanced equipment and techniques. Descriptive Astronomy presents the fundamentals of astronomy, properties of the solar system and stellar astronomy. Introduction to Applied Astronomy covers, in the classroom, spherical and stellar astronomy. The course is enriched with laboratory exercises in the Academy's observatory and 50-foot planetarium. In addition to the formal courses taught to cadets, the Navigation Division is completing a research study of training methods for star identification and use of the space sextant. The Skylab astronauts are programmed to start training at the USAF Academy in March of 1972 in preparation for a space navigation experiment. As a motivational introduction to aircrew training, the Navigation Division conducts an “Air Cruise” program each summer. This course introduces the cadet to navigation, navigation training at Mather, and aircrew training with one of the major commands.

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