
Automotive navigation systems are one of the driver assistance technologies with the primary objective of directing drivers to their desired destinations. Although recent versions of automotive navigation systems help users minimize their travel time, there are certain situations in which the shortest route is not necessarily the safest one. Navigating through local roads that carry higher risks of crashes—roads with poor geometric designs, drainage problems, lack of illumination, wildlife crossing danger, and interruptions in traffic flow—is an example of the unintended consequences of routing to ensure minimum travel time. This study is designed to examine the safety of the fastest routes suggested by navigation systems. Road network connecting five metropolitan areas in Texas, including more than 29,000 road segments, is studied. The results of comparing the safest and shortest route between pairs of origins and destinations showed that the shortest route can differ from the safest, where taking a route to decrease travel time by 8% was associated with a 23% higher risk of being involved in a crash. The findings indicate the safest route varies according to different weather conditions. To incorporate safety in route-finding, a centralized, predictive algorithm is introduced for static and dynamic safe route-finding that can complement the existing navigation systems. The requirements for implementing such a system are identified as: (1) availability of real-time traffic flow and incident data for dynamic route-finding systems, (2) more accurate crash prediction models, and (3) a methodology for dealing with the tradeoffs between travel time and safety to find the optimal route.

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