
Mainland Ecuador is a region with tremendous hydrologic diversity, ranging from marine intertidal zones and lowland jungle swamps, pools, and rivers, to torrential montane streams and waterfalls. Although the Naucoridae, or creeping water bugs, is principally a tropical family, the fauna of Ecuador is poorly known. Presently, only three naucorid taxa are known from Ecuador: Ambrysus fossatus Usinger, Cryphocricos breddini Montandon, and Pelocoris sp. (La Rivers 1971, 1974, 1976, Froeschner 1981). Froeschner (1981) predicted that because over 100 naucorid species in 10 genera occur in South America, many more species may be expected from Ecuador. In January 1989, I collected five species of naucorids from Napo Province in the vicinity of Puerto Napo, Ecuador. Each of the three previously known taxa was collected, with the addition of a second species of Ambrysus and a fourth genus, Limnocoris. All specimens have been deposited in the Texas Tech University Entomological Collection. Ambrysus crenulatus Montandon: This species was previously known from only Colombia (La Rivers 1971). On 6 and 7 January, 71 adult specimens and all nymphal stages were collected in the Rio Sinde, 5.5 km east of Puerto Napo. They were found among large rocks along the margins of the river, typically on the lee sides of rocks where the current formed eddies. Limnocoris sp.: The need for taxonomic revision precludes identification of this naucorid to species. However, the presence of this genus was expected in Ecuador, because at least seven species are known from Peru to the south and 10 from Colombia to the north (La Rivers 1971, 1974, 1976). Approximately 250 adult specimens of one species as well as all nymphal stages were collected. Locality and collection dates are the same as for A. crenulatus. All nymphal stages and adult Limnocoris sp. occurred syntopically with A. crenulatus, as well as in pea-sized gravel where they were observed diving into the gravel after surfacing to replenish their air supply. Pelocoris poeyi Guerin-Meneville: Campos (1919, 1926) reported one unidentified species of Pelocoris from Ecuador; however, it is unknown whether or not this is the same species. On 1 and 8 January, 76 adult specimens and all nymphal stages of this species were collected from two localities: 1) 1.5 km south of Puerto Misahualli, swamp along dirt road, and 2) 3 km northwest of Pununo above the Rio Misahualli canyon, natural spring with emergent vegetation and overhanging grasses. At the first locality, P. poeyi were found syntopically with other aquatic Heteroptera, including Belostoma plebejum (Stal) (Belostomatidae), Heterocorixa w. unwghti Hungerford (Corixidae), and Notonecta pulchra Hungerford (Notonectidae). In the laboratory, several female P. poeyi were dissected and eggs in various stages of development were found. Descriptions of immature stages are being prepared. The record of Cryphocricos breddini Montandon is from the type locality of Balzapamba, Bolivar Province (Usinger 1947), which is on the coastal side of the Andes Mountains. On the Amazon side of the Andes, one macropterous adult Cryphocricos sp. and 2nd through 5th instars were collected from the Rio Anzu, 16 km south of Puerto Napo on 6 January, and one 5th instar from the Rio Misahualli at Puerto Misahualli on 10 January. These specimens were collected by kick-sampling rocks in very fast current.

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