
The harmonious integration of urban development and ecosystem services (ESs) is crucial for advancing sustainable urban agglomerations. This study unveils an innovative framework that synergizes SDGs with ESs, spotlighting the Yangtze River Delta Megacity Cluster (YRDMC) as a focal area. We first evaluated the SDG11 levels of 26 cities within the YRDMC, categorizing them into four distinct SDG11 development patterns based on their changing trends. We quantified six essential ESs for each city, analyzing how urban land use changes impact these ESs. Subsequently, we employed the SWOT analysis matrix, to devise nature-based urban planning strategies tailored to each city. Our findings indicate that only 3 cities exhibited a continuous rise in SDG11 scores, whereas 17 cities showed an initial increase followed by a decrease in their SDG11 scores. On average, water yield in the YRDMC increased by 4.8 %, while carbon storage and habitat quality declined by 2.25 % and 4.17 %, respectively. Major land use shifts involved reductions in forests and cropland, with most cities facing challenges in providing sufficient ESs. The study equips planners, developers, and consultants with insights for greener, more resilient urban spaces, aligning development with sustainability goals and enhancing the appeal of sustainable initiatives.

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