
Content - analysis of scientific literature conducted in the frameworks of the research and method of observation on life and work of Vodlozero residents in the national park "Vodlozersky" in the context of environmental education, showed that the style of their relationship with nature is built not only on the knowledge of modern science of nature and society, but also on regulations, standards, patterns of behavior and activities, as well as various beliefs that have their roots in the past of the society of this region. Relict programs are an objective reality of modern life of residents of the National park and are still rooted in their minds, coming out in the form of individual customs and traditions in agriculture, farming, fishing, gathering mushrooms and berries, cooking, home furnishing. The process of "relict memory" functioning among people is supported at different levels of social activity: communication between social groups of different ages in areas of their compact settlement, attributive means - dances, roundelays, songs on national festivities and holidays. An annual celebration of "Otzhinaha", which takes place in the central village Kuganavolok becomes a phenomenon linking the old traditions of Vodlozero residents and contemporaries. Residents of the former villages, previously located in Vodlozerye also take part in it. "Otzhinaha" is associated as a kind of folk festival in this region. Nature and activities in it is subject to its rhythm - the change of seasons: transition of the sun from winter to summer, the end of winter and beginning of spring, blooming plants and harvesting. The content of lyrics sung at the festival reflects the nature of human work in the fields, hayfields, its labor inputs and dependence on nature, "there will be bread, and there will be song." Orthodox holidays are an important part of spiritual life of the villagers. Modern secular program that could ensure the reproduction of forms and types of activities that are vital for the area and determine the specific character of the community, that are working currently and influence their future, are demanded in a lesser degree. The reasons for this phenomenon lies in partial or complete loss of the true bearers, guardians, and reproducers of forms and types of former activities, the complexity and long duration of the process of reproduction of a particular type of craft. Certain activities were typical only for a limited part of residents living compactly in the area away from the center. This fully applies to the issue of the revival of ancient shipbuilding technology - an ancient lost skill of "sewing" typical for this region boats - "vodlozerki." The craft is in demand, boats are sewed, and people buy them. But awareness of the kinds of crafts demanded in the region is low. Most often in everyday life villagers use the traditional beliefs, signs and custom suggesting the emergence of negative consequences for people. Working in the human mind as a taboo, they serve as a talisman for life and that is why they are stable in memory. Based on our observations, we can say that the superstition or fear of being punished (by water spirit, wood spirit, etc.) has played and continues to play a significant role in behavior of people. Key words: behavior of people, content analysis, environmental education, social activity.

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