
We present observational evidence that IRAS 05373-0810 is a genuine carbon star with an ISO SWS spectrum closely resembling that of RScl. Modelling of the spectral energy distribution of IRAS05373-0810 ;suggests that the star has luminosity of order of 8000 L(.) and loses mass at a rate of about 2-3 x 10(-7) M(.) yr(-1). The detected OH maser emission at 1612, 1665 and 1667 MHz arid SiO thermal emission at 86.85 GHz towards IRAS05373-0810 is not associated with this source. The available observations imply that these lines, typical for O-rich sources, come from the molecular cloud L 1641 in the Orion star forming region (OH) and. very likely, from the NGC 2149 molecular complex (SiO).

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