
Variations in the electroluminescence spectra and intensity of the metal-composite layer-semi� conductor (Au-SiOxNy(Si)-cSi) structures as functions of the characteristics of the luminescentactive tran� sition region at the interface of the cSi substrate and the SiOxNy(Si) composite layer are studied. New infor� mation on localization of the electroluminescence sources in the transition region is obtained. It is found that the transition region contains various luminescenceacti ve silicon inclusions, which contribute to both the shortwavelength ( λ ≈ 500-1000 nm) and longwavelength ( λ ≈ 1000-1600 nm) branches of electrolumines� cence. The effect of technological factors on the electroluminescence spectra, intensity, and quantum effi� ciency is analyzed.

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