
Xenolith-bearing alkaline ultrabasic dykes were intruded into the of the Hercynian basement of the Spanish Central System in early Mesozoic times. The suite of lower-crustal xenoliths in the dykes divided into three groups: felsic peraluminous granulites, metapelitic granulites and charnockitic granulites. The felsic granulites form ~95% of the total volume of the xenoliths, whereas the charnockitic and metapelitic granulites are much less abundant (~0·01 5%, respectively). Thermobarometric calculations based on mineral paragenesis indicate equilibration conditions around 850–950°C, 7–11 kbar; thus the xenoliths represent lower continental crustal material. Superimposed on this high-T high-P assemblage is a high-T low-P paragenesis represented mainly by kelyphitic coronas, reflecting re-equilibration during transport in the clearly restitic mineral assemblages, with up to 50% garnet and 37% sillimanite. Major and trace element modelling supports the idea that the late-Hercynian peraluminous granites of central Spain represent liquids in equilibrium with restitic material of similar composition to the studied lower-crustal xenoliths. 87Sr/86Sr and eNd of the felsic xenoliths, calculated at an average Hercynian age of 300 Ma, are in the range 0·706–0·712, and –1·4 to –8·2, respectively. These values match the isotopic composition of the outcropping late Hercynian granites. The Sr isotopic composition of the xenoliths is lower than that of the outcropping mid-crustal lithologies (orthogneisses, pelites). A major contribution from the lower crust to the source of Hercynian granites greatly reduces the necessity of invoking a large mantle contribution in models of granite petrogenesis. The felsic nature of the lower continental crust in central Spain contrasts with the more mafic lower-crustal composition estimated in other European Hercynian areas, suggesting a non underplated crust in this region of the Hercynian orogenic belt.

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