
Sustainable development of the society involves the transition of the society from the current evolutional stage to a higher stage without revolutionary destruction of the existing frames of society. An individual, playing a prominent role in human history from time to time, is able to provide for the evolution of consciousness of the whole community, appearing on the top of the evolutional cone in the moment of passing of the system to the qualitatively new stage of its development. Only an integral individual, a person-creator possessing a high potential of harmony is able to accomplish such transition. The golden proportion of the social structure of the society implies a certain correlation of ontological categories of people, having personality orientation that characterizes them as a creator, consumer or destroyer. The modern approaches to education involve motivating a human being to self-improvement all his/her lifelong. The question is that, how much pedagogical systems correspond to the laws of harmony, which provide formation of social strata golden proportion structure considered not from the perspective of class position, but from the perspective of creative personality orientation. The analysis of the existing educational approaches showed, that the best indices satisfying the set social problem belong to noospheric pedagogics, based on nature-aligned methodology of teaching academic disciplines. It is built on principles of health protection and health development, intellectual potential, system motivation of an individual to self-perfection. Nature-aligned educational methodology is personality oriented and enables the student to accomplish object-subject transformation in the process of education, as a result of which, following the receipt of special educational knowledge, abilities and skills, he/she gets common educational abilities and skills, on the basis of which the processes of self-actualization, self-affirmation, independence, self-efficacy, self-leadership, and self-government are initiated and realized. Only the system model of motivation, organized in such a way, forms life potential of personality in the process of education, beginning with primary school and until post-graduate education, that is able to ensure good health and satisfy one’s vanity, without which he/she will not feel happy and assist sustainable development of the society on the whole. Only observing laws of harmony in the educational process provides formation of personalities with a high level of harmony that will determine the level of harmony in the society, as well. The philosophical, managerial, psychological and pedagogical aspects of individual self-perfection processes are considered in the paper. Special attention is paid to the questions of forming common educational abilities and skills in the process of teaching academic disciplines according to the nature-aligned methodology. The key mechanisms of object-subject transformation in the process of education are described, that provide an individual with energy for passing to the next level of his/her personality development. It is shown how nature-aligned methodology of noospheric pedagogics enables to make the process of the student’s personality growth self-regulated in the process of education.

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