
We study the naturalness, dark matter, and muon anomalous magnetic moment in the Supersymmetric Standard Models (SSMs) with a pseudo-Dirac gluino (PDGSSMs) from hybrid F- and D-term supersymmetry (SUSY) breakings. To obtain the observed dark matter relic density and explain the muon anomalous magnetic moment, we find that the low energy fine-tuning measures are larger than about 30 due to strong constraints from the LUX and PANDAX experiments. Thus, to study the natural PDGSSMs, we consider multi-component dark matter and then the relic density of the lightest supersymmetric particle (LSP) neutralino is smaller than the correct value. We classify our models into six kinds: (i) Case A is a general case, which has small low energy fine-tuning measure and can explain the anomalous magnetic moment of the muon; (ii) Case B with the LSP neutralino and light stau coannihilation; (iii) Case C with Higgs funnel; (iv) Case D with Higgsino LSP; (v) Case E with light stau coannihilation and Higgsino LSP; (vi) Case F with Higgs funnel and Higgsino LSP. We study these Cases in details, and show that our models can be natural and consistent with the LUX and PANDAX experiments, as well as explain the muon anomalous magnetic moment. In particular, all these cases except the stau coannihilation can even have low energy fine-tuning measures around 10.


  • We study the naturalness, dark matter, and muon anomalous magnetic moment in the Supersymmetric Standard Models (SSMs) with a pseudo-Dirac gluino (PDGSSMs) from hybrid F − and D−term supersymmetry (SUSY) breakings

  • To obtain the observed dark matter density and explain the muon anomalous magnetic moment, we show that the low energy fine-tuning measures are larger than about 30 due to strong constraints from the LUX and PANDAX experiments

  • Dark matter, and muon anomalous magnetic moment in the PDGSSMs

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To obtain the Dirac gluino mass, we introduce a chiral superfield Φ in the adjoint representation of SU (3)C. To achieve the gauge coupling unification and increase the Higgs boson mass, we introduce some extra vector-like particles. The λ and λ terms give the positive and negative contributions to Higgs boson mass via the nondecoupling effects, respectively. To realize the hybrid F − and D−term SUSY breakings, we consider the anomalous U (1)X gauge symmetry inspired from string models [19], and assume that all the SM particles and vector-like particles are neutral under U (1)X. The Dirac mass for gluino/Φ and soft scalar masses for Φ and T+/− can be about 3-5 TeV from D-term contributions [19]. The Higgs boson mass is increased via a non-decoupling effect [19] as in the Dirac NMSSM [40, 41]. Compared to Ref. [42] we have extra Cδm2Hu from the triplet threshold corrections to mHu2

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