
The supersymmetric flavor, CP and Polonyi problems are hints that the fundamental scale of the soft supersymmetry breaking parameters may be above a TeV, in apparent conflict with naturalness. We consider the possibility that multi-TeV scalar masses are generated by Planck- or unification-scale physics, and find the conditions under which the masses of scalars with large Yukawa couplings are driven, radiatively and asymptotically, to the weak scale through renormalization group evolution. Light third generation scalars then satisfy naturalness, while first and second generation scalars remain heavy to satisfy experimental constraints. We find that this mechanism is beautifully realized in the context of grand unified theories. In particular, the existence of right-handed neutrinos plays an important role in allowing remarkably simple scenarios. For example, for SO(10) boundary conditions with the squared masses of Higgs scalars double those of sleptons and squarks, we find that the entire scalar mass scale may be increased to 4 TeV at the unification scale without sacrificing naturalness.

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