
Relevance. Maria Bashkirtseva�s multifaceted approach as an artist and memoirist was significant in the formation of the French naturalism movement. Her integration of literary influences, particularly from Dostoevsky, with her artistic expression provides a unique perspective on the interaction between literature and painting in the late 19th century.Purpose. This study aims to explore Bashkirtseva�s role in developing naturalism through her artwork and diaries, emphasizing her innovative synthesis of literary and artistic elements.Methodology. A comprehensive analysis of Bashkirtseva�s paintings, diaries, and personal letters was conducted to trace her artistic evolution and literary influences. The study also examines critical receptions and scholarly works on her contribution to art and literature, alongside a detailed examination of her personal educational background.Results. The research highlights several key periods in Bashkirtseva�s career where her artistic direction significantly intersected with literary themes, particularly those of naturalism. Her work not only reflects her personal experiences and societal observations but also illustrates a deliberate blending of narrative depth with visual realism.Conclusions. Bashkirtseva�s contributions were instrumental in shaping the narrative and aesthetic dimensions of French naturalism. Her ability to infuse literary naturalism into her visual art marks her as a pivotal figure in the integration of these cultural domains. The study reaffirms her status as a crucial link in understanding the evolution of modern European art and literature.

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