
A total of 70 weed samples from 31 plant species belonging to 16 families (Apiaceae, Araceae, Araliaceae, Asteraceae, Campanulaceae, Convolvulaceae, Dryopteridaceae, Euphorbiaceae, Geraniaceae, Lamiaceae, Plantaginaceae, Ranunculaceae, Rosaceae, Rubiaceae, Scrophulariaceae and Urticaceae) were collected in orchards of hazelnut (Corylus avellana L.) in Samsun and Ordu provinces of Turkey and tested by DAS-ELISA and biological assay methods. Samples belonging to Scandix sp., Artemisia vulgaris L., Campanula sp., Galeopsis sp., Salvia verbenaca L., Prunella sp., Clematis vitalba L. and Rubus canescens L. were found to be infected by Apple mosaic virus (Ap- MV). This is the first report of ApMV infection of these plants under natural conditions. The epidemiology of ApMV in hazelnut orchards is discussed.

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