
In structural response array observation, the vibration response of a structure during an earthquake or from the natural environment is recorded and stored using high-sensitivity strong motion seismographs, and the dynamic characteristics of the structure are analyzed and determined using random signal data processing technology. Due to the use of field test data for analysis, this may be the most accurate and effective way to obtain the actual characteristics of the structure, which can be further used to verify the accuracy of theoretical analysis, experimental results, and numerical simulations. Therefore, this technique plays an important role in earthquake prevention and disaster reduction, with the application of strong motion observation data. In this paper, field vibration tests were performed on the highest reinforced masonry structure in China. With the test environmental vibration data, the natural vibration frequency values and mode shapes of the structure were identified using the peak picking method. A numerical modal analysis was then performed to verify the accuracy of the field test results. In addition, the structural response records obtained during an earthquakes in Songyuan were also used to identify the natural vibration frequency of the structure and the changes in the natural vibration frequency before, during, and after the earthquake. The results showed that the structure was not damaged during the earthquake and remained in an elastic state.

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