
Abstract We study Higgs production and decays in the context of natural SUSY, allowing for an extended Higgs sector to account for a 125 GeV lightest Higgs boson. Under broad assumptions, Higgs observables at the LHC depend on at most four free parameters with restricted numerical ranges. Two parameters suffice to describe MSSM particle loops. The MSSM loop contribution to the diphoton rate is constrained from above by direct stop and chargino searches and by electroweak precision tests. Naturalness, in particular in demanding that rare B decays remain consistent with experiment without fine-tuned cancellations, provides a lower (upper) bound to the stop contribution to the Higgs-gluon coupling (Higgs mass). Two parameters suffice to describe Higgs mixing, even in the presence of loop induced non-holomorphic Yukawa couplings. Generic classes of MSSM extensions, that address the fine-tuning problem, predict sizable modifications to the effective bottom Yukawa y b . Non-decoupling gauge extensions enhance y b , while a heavy SM singlet reduces y b . A factor of 4–6 enhancement in the diphoton rate at the LHC, compared to the SM prediction, can be accommodated. The ratio of the enhancements in the diphoton vs. the WW and ZZ channels cannot exceed 1.4. The h → $ b\overline{b} $ rate in associated production cannot exceed the SM rate by more than 50%.


  • Loop effectsWe discuss the implications of light superpartners for Higgs production and decay channels at hadron colliders

  • We study Higgs production and decays in the context of natural SUSY, allowing for an extended Higgs sector to account for a 125 GeV lightest Higgs boson

  • As we show (i) one expects rb ∼ rτ ; (ii) large rb would increase the total Higgs width, implying a suppression to the h → γγ rate that would more than compensate for the presumed loop correction and that is not seen in the data; and (iii) rb >∼ 3 does not arise in the MSSM or any extension we are aware of for lifting the Higgs mass

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Loop effects

We discuss the implications of light superpartners for Higgs production and decay channels at hadron colliders. The range in rγ as a function of tan β, compatible with fine-tuning no worse than 1:10 (details in sections 2.1.4 and 2.2). Note that the stop contribution to rγ (left panel) is inversely related to rG, see eq (2.8). The effects we consider include loop contributions from the charged Higgs, higgsinos, gauginos, stops, sbottoms, and staus. The only quantitatively relevant effects (potentially larger than ∼ 5%) involve stops and charginos that affect the Higgs couplings to photons and gluons. Imposing collider limits together with demanding fine tuning no worse than 1 : 10, we check the possible size of these effects by varying the relevant theory parameters. The ranges of the different contributions to rG and rγ in natural SUSY are summarized, limiting to tan β ≥ 2. In the following subsections we provide more details of the calculations

Higgs mass and fine-tuning
Higgs couplings to gluons and photons
Summary of stop effects
Staus and sbottoms
Higgs mixing
Two Higgs doublet model
At 300 GeV tot 19
Non-decoupling D-term models
Non-decoupling F -term models
Natural SUSY predicts
Interpreting current data
A More details of D-term models
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