
We explore the possibility of solving the hierarchy problem by combining the paradigms of supersymmetry and compositeness. Both paradigms are under pressure from the results of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), and combining them allows both a higher confinement scale — due to effective supersymmetry in the low energy theory — and heavier superpartners — due to the composite nature of the Higgs boson — without sacrificing naturalness. The supersymmetric Randall-Sundrum model provides a concrete example where calculations are possible, and we pursue a realistic model in this context. With a few assumptions, we are led to a model with bulk fermions, a left-right gauge symmetry in the bulk, and supersymmetry breaking on the UV brane. The first two generations of squarks are decoupled, reducing LHC signatures but also leading to quadratic divergences at two loops. The model predicts light W ′ and Z ′ gauge bosons, and present LHC constraints on exotic gauge bosons imply a high confinement scale and mild tuning from the quadratic divergences, but the model is otherwise viable. We also point out that R-parity violation can arise naturally in this context.

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