
We suggest a natural split mechanism for sfermions based on $N$=2 supersymmetry (SUSY). $N$=2 SUSY protects a sfermion in an $N$=2 multiplet from gaining weight by SUSY breaking. Therefore, if partly $N$=2 SUSY is effectively obtained, a split spectrum can be realized naturally. As an example of the natural split mechanism, we build a gauge-mediated SUSY breaking-like model assuming $N$=2 SUSY is partly broken in a UV theory. The model explains the Higgs boson mass and the muon anomalous magnetic dipole moment within $1~\sigma$ level with a splitting sfermion spectrum. The model has seven light sparticles described by three free parameters and predicts a new chiral multiplet, sb: the $N$=2 partner of the ${\rm U(1)_Y}$ vector multiplet. The bini, the fermion component of the sb, weighs MeVs. We mention the experimental and the cosmological aspects of the model.


  • After the discovery of the Standard Model (SM) Higgs-like boson at the Large HadronCollider (LHC) [1], no new particle has been found

  • We consider the situation that the SUSY scale is far beyond the EW scale, while some of the sfermions are light enough to deviate the measured values of some flavor physics from the SM predictions

  • We suggest a natural split mechanism using N=2 SUSY

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After the discovery of the Standard Model (SM) Higgs-like boson at the Large Hadron. Collider (LHC) [1], no new particle has been found. SUSY SM (minimal supersymmetric standard model: MSSM) prediction, since stops are required to be heavier than O(10) TeV to explain the Higgs boson mass of about. N=2 SUSY model can generate a naturally splitting sfermion spectrum. We construct a natural split gauge-mediated SUSY breaking (GMSB) model [13] to explain the muon g − 2 anomaly within the 1σ level. The messenger sectors are partly extended to N=2 SUSY so that the natural split mechanism works. The condition of gauge coupling unification (GCU) at the SUSY GUT scale, ∼ 1016GeV, naturalness, and the symmetries require the additional charged fields to be at the same scale, the messenger scale. The dominant one only gives masses to the sfermions in the N=1 sector at the leading order due to the natural split mechanism. The light bini rarely interacts with the MSSM particles, due to the higher dimensional interactions suppressed by the messenger scale

Natural Split Mechanism
Natural split mechanism
Natural Split GMSB Model
The set-up of the natural split GMSB model
Natural split mechanism and low energy spectrum
H Sector
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