
The key factors in the production development and location, including industrial production, in any region, are the territorial structure of natural resources and the level of production infrastructure development. At present, the industry is one of the leading sectors of the developed countries' economy. Therefore, the Government of Uzbekistan, from the first days of state independence, prioritises the industry development, its modernisation and diversification when reforming the national economy. Due to this, over the past ten years, the industrial production share in the country's GDP has grown significantly and amounts to almost 1/3 of it. However, the participation of regions in gross industrial output is very uneven, and a number of them, in the presence of high natural resource potential, still retain agricultural specialisation. The paper presents an economic and geographical analysis of natural resources as a factor of industrial development in the Tashkent economic district. The general characteristic of mineral and raw material balance of the Tashkent region in the context of administrative districts (rural areas) is given. The paper describes the current development state of the territorial and sectoral structure of the Tashkent region and Tashkent city. The study analyses reserves and the involvement level of mineral resources in the context of administrative districts. The authors of this paper considered the issues and prospects of territorial and sectoral structure establishment and development in Tashkent economic district industry.

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