
An extensive area of Norway spruce ( Picea abies (L.) Karst.) forests in the Šumava Mountains, Central Europe, has been affected by a massive bark beetle ( Ips typographus L.) outbreak since the mid-1990s. One part of the area was left without intervention and two types of intervention have been applied in other parts: (1) the classical forest approach, based on the logging of attacked trees and (2) “sanitation”, in which attacked trees were cut down, debarked, and left lying in the stand. The main goal of our research was to test the impact of nonintervention and both types of intervention on the regeneration of the Norway spruce forests. The Norway spruce forests influenced by natural disturbances (bark beetle outbreak and windfalls) regenerated very well if left without intervention. The bark beetle outbreaks and windfalls do not represent a threat to the long-term persistence of the forests. Clearcuts resulted in formation of pioneer stages with a postponed spruce regeneration. In sanitation plots, the reduction of both previous vegetation and tree regeneration was obvious. Generally, both interventions against bark beetle delayed the recovery of Norway spruce forests.

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