
We demonstrate that flavor symmetries in warped geometry can provide a natural explanation for large mixing angles and economically explain the distinction between the quark and lepton flavor sectors. We show how to naturally generate Majorana neutrino masses assuming a gauged a U(1)B−L symmetry broken in the UV that generates see-saw masses of the right size. This model requires lepton minimal flavor violation (LMFV) in which only Yukawa matrices (present on the IR brane) break the flavor symmetries. The symmetry-breaking is transmitted to charged lepton bulk mass parameters as well to generate the hierarchy of charged lepton masses. With LMFV, a GIM-like mechanism prevents dangerous flavor-changing processes for charged leptons and permits flavor-changing processes only in the presence of the neutrino Yukawa interaction and are therefore suppressed when the overall scale for the neutrino Yukawa matrix is slightly smaller than one in units of the curvature. In this case the theory can be consistent with a cutoff of 10 TeV and 3 TeV Kaluza-Klein masses.

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