
So far, Computer-Assisted Language Learning (CALL) comes in many different flavors. Our research work focuses on developing an integrated e-learning environment that allows improving language skills in specific contexts. Integrated e-learning environment means that it is a Web-based solution that performs language learning tasks using common working environments like, for instance, Web browsers or Email clients. It should be accessible on different platforms, even on mobile devices. Natural Language Processing (NLP) forms the technological basis for developing such a learning framework. The paper gives an overview of the state-of-the-art in this area. Therefore, on the one hand, it explains creation processes for NLP resources and gives an overview of corpora. On the other hand, it describes existing NLP standards. Based on our requirements, the paper gives special attention to the evaluation and comparison of toolkits that can suitably support the planned implementation. An outlook at the end points out necessary developments in e-learning to keep in mind.

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