
Data is a very important factor in every domain. To manage this data efficiently, we need Database management systems (DBMS). To store and manage the relational database SQL (Structured Query Language) is used. So, while interacting with such a relational database the user should familiarize themselves with SQL and its syntax for writing the query. The Non-expert user needs a lot of time to learn SQL queries and they face a lot of difficulties if the syntax of such queries is wrong. The best solution to overcome this problem is to create a natural language interface for the database system. It allows the non-expert user can interact with the Database using the queries in a natural language like English and get easy access to the database system. The main objective of this paper is to introduce a new approach to retrieving data from the database without using SQL queries. We have proposed and implemented an NLIDB system with a web-user interface that takes the input queries in the English language and converts them into an SQL query. The system was designed for University Database Schema. The system successfully generates a query of select, where clause, aggregate function, AND OR operators and order by keyword based on query in natural form and also display proper output through GUI.

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