
Natural killer cells (NK) are innate immune lymphocytes produced in the bone marrow. Isolation of NK cells as a separate population of lymphocytes is related to discovery of their ability to induce the death of tumor cells without prior sensitization. In this review, an attempt was made to systematize the numerous data on the biology of NK cells presented in the literature. The authors consider the stages of NK cells` differentiation from a common lymphoid progenitor (CLP) in the bone marrow, describe two functionally different populations of mature NK cells – CD56brightCDl6- and CD56dimCD16+. In addition, the role of cytokines and chemokines in the development of NK cells is discussed. The review includes data on the spectrum of molecules expressed by NK cells: adhesion molecules (LFA-1, LFA-2, LFA-3; αMβ2, αXβ2, L-selectin, VLA-4, VLA-5; PECAM-1; CEACAM-1), cytokine receptors (IL-1R, IL-2ra, IL-2Rb/IL-2Rc, IL-6Rα, IL-7Ra, IL-8R, IL-10R, IL-12Rβ1, IL-15ra, IL-18R, IL-21ra, IFNGR2, TGFBR, c-Kit, CXCR1, CXCR3, CXCR4, CCR4, CCR5, CCR6, CCR7, IChemR23, CX3CR1), as well as receptors that regulate the activity of NK cells (LILRB1, LILRB2, LILRB4; KIR2DL1-5; KIR2DS1-5; KIR3DL1-3; KIR3DS1; NKG2A, NKG2C, NKG2D; Siglec7, Siglec9; CD16; NKRP-1; TIGIT; TACTILE; NKp30, NKp44, NKp46, NKp80; LAIR-1; PD-1; TIM-3; 2B4; TLR1-9). The authors also examine the mechanisms of implementing cytotoxic activity by NK cells, including cytotoxicity, via expression of MHC-I-specific receptors, CD16 Fc receptors, receptors and ligands of apoptosis (Fas-FasL and TRAIL-TRAILR) as well as other receptors. The review describes in detail the structure of immunological synapse between the NK cell and target cell, receptor interactions, and the role of the cytoskeleton in its formation. The data are summarized on the variants of exocytosis of lytic granules by NK cells, including complete or partial fusion of vesicles with the plasma membrane, exocytosis of vesicles containing perforin and FasL, and the formation of microvesicles containing granzyme B. The review also describes data on ability of NK cells to maintain activated state for a long time, as well as to maintain contact with several targets at the same time. In addition to the functions inherent in natural killers as cells of innate immunity, the authors point out their ability to exhibit the features of cells of adaptive immunity. In general, a variety of mechanisms that regulate the activity of NK cells may complement the specific functions of lymphocytes, thus making the immune system more efficient.


  • Natural killer cells (NK)-клетки: развитие и функции NK cells: development and function ственник дает начало нескольким популяциям клеток: про-В- и пре-Т-лимфоцитам, клеткампредшественникам лимфоцитов врожденного иммунитета (ILC) и линии предшественников NK-клеток (NKPs) [2, 6, 32]

  • innate immune lymphocytes produced in the bone marrow

  • Isolation of NK cells as a separate population of lymphocytes is related to discovery of their ability to induce the death

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Обзоры Reviews

NK-клетки (от Natural killer), или естественные киллеры, представляют собой группу лимфоцитов врожденного иммунитета, образующихся в костном мозге. В обзоре собраны данные о спектре экспрессируемых NK-клетками адгезионных молекул (LFA-1, LFA-2, LFA-3; αMβ2, αXβ2, L-selectin, VLA-4, VLA-5; PECAM-1; CEACAM-1), цитокиновых рецепторов (IL-1R, IL-2ra, IL-2Rb/IL-2Rc, IL-6Rα, IL-7Ra, IL-8R, IL-10R, IL-12Rβ1, IL-15ra, IL-18R, IL-21ra, IFNGR2, TGFBR, c-Kit, CXCR1, CXCR3, CXCR4, CCR4, CCR5, CCR6, CCR7, IChemR23, CX3CR1), а также рецепторов, регулирующих активность NK-клеток (LILRB1, LILRB2, LILRB4; KIR2DL1-5; KIR2DS1-5; KIR3DL1-3; KIR3DS1; NKG2A, NKG2C, NKG2D; Siglec, Siglec; CD16; NKRP-1; TIGIT; TACTILE; NKp30, NKp44, NKp46, NKp80; LAIR-1; PD-1; TIM-3; 2B4; TLR1-9). В обзоре описывается ингибирующий вариант, а также приведен пример регуляции активности NK-клеток посредством ингибирующего синапса. В обзоре описаны данные о способности NK-клеток сохранять активированное состояние в течение продолжительного времени, а также поддерживать контакт одновременно с несколькими мишенями. For citation: E.V. Tyshchuk, V.A. Mikhailova, S.A. Selkov, D.I. Sokolov “Natural killer cells: origin, phenotype, function”, Medical Immunology (Russia)/Meditsinskaya Immunologiya, 2021, Vol 23, no. Медицинская Иммунология Medical Immunology (Russia)/Meditsinskaya Immunologiya проявлять черты клеток адаптивного иммунитета.

Лиганды Ligands
Result of interaction
Fas лиганд Fas ligand
Формирование активирующего иммунологического синапса
Роль цитоскелета в формировании иммунологического синапса
Формирование ингибирующего иммунологического синапса
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