
Cavernous malformations (CM) are cerebral irradiation-related late complications. Little is known about their natural history and the pathogenetic role of concomitant chemotherapy. We present a retrospective, single-institution study of 108 children affected with medulloblastoma, ependymoma, or germinoma treated with radio- and chemotherapy. The frequency, clinical and radiological presentations, and outcomes were analyzed to investigate the relationship among radiation dose, associated chemotherapy, age, latency and localization of radiation-induced CM. 100 out of 108 children were treated with radiotherapy for primary brain tumor; 34 (27 with medulloblastoma and 7 with other histologies) out of 100 patients developed CM. No significant relationship was found between CM and gender (p=0.70), age (p=0.90), use of specific chemotherapy (standard versus high-dose, p=0.38), methotrexate (p=0.49), and radiation dose (p=0.45). However, CM developed more frequently and earlier when radiotherapy was associated with methotrexate (70% of cases). Radiation-induced CM prevailingly occurred in the cerebral hemispheres (p=0.0001). Only 3 patients (9%) were symptomatic with headache. Three patients underwent surgery for intra- or extra-lesional hemorrhage. CM was confirmed by histopathology for all 3 patients. The vast majority of radiation-induced CM is asymptomatic, and macro-hemorrhagic events occur rarely. Concomitant therapy with methotrexate seems to favor their development. We recommend observation for asymptomatic lesions, while surgery should be reserved to symptomatic growth or hemorrhage.

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