
A natural gradient tracer experiment was conducted for a permeable reactive barrier (PRB) installed at the Vapokon site in Denmark to estimate the groundwater velocity inside the zero-valent iron ( Fe0 ) reactive medium and to determine also the longitudinal dispersivity ( αy ) . First-moment analysis of the tracer (lithium ion, Li+ ) plume gave a groundwater velocity of 99.5 m∕yr within the Fe0 reactive medium, and an average αy of 0.275 m was determined for the Fe0 reactive medium using a one-dimensional advection-dispersion equation. A comparison of the chlorinated aliphatic hydrocarbon (CAH) concentration profiles in an Fe0 packed medium, with and without dispersion effects, showed a notable increase in the CAH concentration with αy . Therefore, the conventional application of a first-order equation, or an assumption of insignificant dispersion of contaminants during designing the Fe0 thickness in a full-scale PRB, can overestimate its groundwater remediation efficiency. As a result, a dispersion corr...

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