
THIS is a good elementary text-book, founded on the work by M. E. Lagout (“Takimetry”), which we have already noticed (NATURE, vol. xvi. p. 226). The ground covered by the work before us is not quite so extensive in one direction as that covered by Dr. Gwynne's translation; but it has an introduction to pure geometry which is likely to be of service to junior pupils. We are disposed to think that some such practical training as that indicated here, with the aid of the accompanying models, and a short course of “practical” geometry would be a capital thing for our junior pupils. Boys who are exceedingly dull and stupid over their “Euclid” often, as we have repeatedly seen, take much interest in these concrete exhibitions of geometrical truths. The book has been very carefully got out; there are a few loose expressions which might be improved. On p. 32 is the statement, “in equal circles equal arcs are those which have equal chords,” a distinction should be made between major and minor arcs. Another trifling matter (but some boys would at once notice it) is that some equilateral figures are drawn on p. 33, which are not equilateral by scale. There are two parts—geometry by sight, which treats of the measurement of flat surfaces and of solids, and scientific geometry, or reasoning helped by sight. The latter is concerned with the measurement of accessible and inaccessible things and with the incommensurable (as the circle, sphere, cylinder, and cone). We can recommend the book for school use.

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