
FLOWERING LOCUS T (FT), a major effect gene, regulates flowering time in Arabidopsis. We analyzed evolutionary changes distinguishing two FT homeologous loci in B. rapa, described genetic variation in homologs isolated and reported expression pattern of FT in B. juncea. Synteny analysis confirmed presence of two FT genomic copies in B. rapa ssp. pekinensis and resolved pre-existing anomalies regarding copy number in “AA” genome. Synteny analysis of B. rapa homeologous regions CR1 (129 kb) and CR2 (232 kb) revealed differential gene fractionation and wide-spread re-arrangements. Seven genomic DNA (gDNA) variants (2.1–2.2 kb) and 10 complementary DNA (cDNA) variants (528 bp) were isolated from 6 Brassica species. The gDNA variants shared 72–99 % similarity within Brassica and 58–60 % between Arabidopsis and Brassica. FT cDNA variants shared 92–100 % similarity within Brassica and 87 % between Arabidopsis and Brassica. Phylogenetic analysis of FT gDNA, cDNA and protein sequences revealed two major clades, differentiating homologs derived from species containing shared “BB” and “CC” genomes. Phylogram based on Brassica FT gDNA differentiated homeologs derived from AA-LF (Least fractioned) and AA-MF1 (Moderately fractioned) sub-genomes. Analysis of FT expression pattern in B. juncea revealed increasing levels correlating with attainment of physiological maturity; highest levels were detected in older leaves implying conservation in spatio-temporal expression pattern vis-a-vis Arabidopsis. In conclusion, our study reveals that polyploidy in Brassicas resulted in expansion of FT gene copies with homologs charting independent evolutionary course through accumulation of mutations. However, expression domains of FT remained conserved across Brassicaceae to preserve the critical function of FT in controlling flowering time.

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