
Perm Krai belongs to the territories with a high level of natural focal diseases (the average long-term indicator (AL-TI) is 2-2,5 times higher than in Russia), and in the ecological rating of the regions of the Russian Federation it is on the 21st place. In this regard, the aim of the study is to explore the influence of the ecological situation of natural complexes on the spread of natural focal diseases. The article describes the relationship between "the natural focal diseases and the ecological state of a natural complex." For that, we have analyzed the sickness rate by natural focal diseases of the Perm Krai population; we have assessed the ecological situation in natural complexes and examined its relationship to the incidence of the viral and parasitic natural focal diseases. The results of Spirman's rank correlation coefficients calculation are given, showing a close relationship between a comprehensive indicator of the environmental situation and the sickness rate of viral and parasitic focal diseases in the "Southern Taiga" forest complex and the significant relationship in the "Broad-leaved-taiga forest" forest complex. In other forest complexes this connection is unreliable. Therefore, not in all natural complexes the ecological situation directly affects the natural focal disease rate.

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