
تضمنت الدراسة الحالية دراسة الطيف الغذائي لنوع من العوالق الحيوانية القشرية من رتبة Cyclopoida وهو النوع Clausocalanus furcatusمن خلال دراسة بنية الفقيم ومحتوى المعي لتحديد الغذاء المفضل للنوع. جمعت 93 عينة عمودياً بشكل مستمر ومتدرج في الفترة الممتدة بين أذار وتشرين الأول 2020، كما ترافق جمع العينات بأخذ قياسات هيدروفيزيائية وهيدروكيميائية من ثلاث مناطق مختلفة عن بعضها البعض بخصائصها البيئية. بلغ عدد أفراد النوع Clausocalanus furcatus المدروسة (64) منها (44) إناث و (20) ذكور. من ناحية أخرى فإن تحديد شكل الفقيم ودراسة بنيته ومعرفة محتوى المعي عند النوع المذكور أعلاه ساعد في اتساع المعارف عن ظروف واستراتيجيات تغذيته تحت تأثير العوامل البيئية المختلفة، بلغ عدد العوالق النباتية التي تغذى عليها النوع Clausocalanus furcatus(9) أنواع، منها (5) من السوطيات ونوعين من المشطورات ونوع واحد من مجموعة Cryptophyceae، كان أعلى متوسط للسوطيات (1755) فرداً، تلتها المشطورات(505) فرداً، ثم مجموعة الـــ Cryptophyceae (189) فرداً.


  • Crustacean zooplankton is a Heterotrophic and an important component of marine ecosystems (Al- Hanoun, Mayya, 2017) through the essential role playing in the food web (Siokou et al, 2002)

  • The reason is that light does not reach those depths and phytoplankton does not exist to perform photosynthesis so, they are poor layers of food making species resort to dependence on food available in the medium (Sahar et al, 2020). It was found through the current study that the layers with depths (50- 0) m, (50- 25)m and (150)m are the richest layers for the phytoplankton species on which C.furcatus feeds, especially Dinophyceae, and the reason for this is due to the presence of light, and high appropriate temperature compared to the deep layers where there is no lighting and the temperature decreases, and phytoplankton, which is the main food of the studied species, is unable to exist and live at those depths (Todd et al, 2020)

  • Dinophyceae recorded the highest value, as the average number of (1755) individuals within the gut was at the species mentioned above, compared with the rest of the groups, these species are the main food of the studied species such as Ceratium platycorne, followed by the Bacillariophyceae (505) individuals in the gut, the Cryptophyceae (189) individuals, these results were agreement with (Cornils, 2014)

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Crustacean zooplankton is a Heterotrophic and an important component of marine ecosystems (Al- Hanoun, Mayya, 2017) through the essential role playing in the food web (Siokou et al, 2002). It is a biological construction in which the feeding methods vary (Aleya et al, 2006), which increases the complexity and complexity of the food chain. Copepods are dominant creatures in marine zooplankton (Al- Hanoun, Mayya, 2017) Their diets often include large proportions of Bacillariophyceae that have Silesian structures to protect. Studies based on electron microscopy have illustrated that these teeth have complex microscopic composition containing silica and this explains their ability to destroy the structures of Bacillariophyceae (Abigail et al, 2020)

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