
The effects of irrigation and tillage practices were studied on species richness, biomass, and selenium accumulation of naturally established herbaceous plants in soils with elevated levels of selenium (Se) and salinity at Kesterson Reservoir, Merced County, California. The four different irrigation-tillage practice combinations were (1) no irrigation, no tillage; (2) irrigation, no tillage; (3) no irrigation, tillage; and (4) irrigation, tillage. The fields were allowed to become colonized naturally by herbaceous plant species. For the Mediterranean climate in the study site, irrigation was conducted biweekly through the summer months, and tillage was done in 3-month intervals. Biomass and Se accumulation of Atriplex patula L, Bassia hyssopifolia Kuntze, Rev. Gen. P1., Melilotus indica (L.) All., and Solola kali L. were substantially affected by irrigation. The degree and direction of the effects were found to be species dependent. The field plots which were tilled at 3-month intervals remained bare throughout the experiment. The total soil Se concentrations in the top 15 cm soil horizon were found to be in the range of 40 to 70 mg kg−1 dry wt. Soil Se concentrations below 25 cm soil depth were much lower and within a range of 2 to 4mg kg−1. Less than 110th of the total soil Se inventory in the top soil horizon was water extractable, and the distribution of the Se inventory did not change significantly over the period of 1990 and 1991 despite the irrigation and tillage practices suggesting that a large portion of the Se inventory was not remobilized. The water-extractable soil Se concentration was found to be significantly lower in soils with the greatest biomass production suggesting an effective bioextraction of soil selenium by the native herbaceous plants.

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