
Since 1981, the author has collected and reared more than 135,000 galls of the sawfly genera Pontania, Euura, and Phyllocolpa from 33 willow species in 249 natural sites of 10 European countries. The sites were situated along a gradient from the European arctic tundra to the mediterranean zone of Sicily (Southern Italy) over a geographic range of about 3,900 km. The communities of natural enemies associated with the gall formers consist of biologically different complexes of natural enemies, i.e parasitic inquilines (6 spp) and parasitoids (91 spp). The community of natural enemies of Pontania comprises six parasitic inquilines (Curculionidae: 3 spp, Tephritidae: 1 sp, Geometridae: 1 sp, Eurytomidae: I sp) and 70 parasitoid species (Braconidae: 22 spp, Ichneumonidae: 20 spp, Chalcidoidea: 27 spp, others: 1 sp). Euura species were attacked by four parasitic inquilines (Curculionidae: 3 spp, Eurytomidae: 1 sp) and 28 parasitoid species (Braconidae: 6 spp; Ichneumonidae: 9 spp; Chalcidoidea: 11 spp; others: 2 sp), whereas larvae of Phyllocolpa species were infested by only 17 parasitoid species (Braconidae: 3 spp; Ichneumonidae: 10 spp; Chalcidoidea: 4 spp). The mortality of host larvae caused by natural enemies differed widely between the species and genera as well as between sites, ranging from 12.9% to 88.3% in Pontania, 15.1% to 89.2% in Euura, and 2.4% to 34% in Phyllocolpa. Different guilds of parasitoids were found, most of which attacked young larvae and developed as ectoparasitic idiobionts. As the gall-making species of Euura, Pontania, and Phyllocolpa produce morphologically distinct gall-types, they are often attacked by their own typical enemy complex, dominated by specialists and a large number of rarer, polyphagous generalists. Among the specialists highly efficient attack strategies have evolved, maximizing the success of parasitoid attack of host larvae concealed within galls. The coexistence of natural enemies exploiting identical resources has been achieved through the development of diverse mechanisms minimizing interspecific competition: i.e: host specificity, differences in phenology or parasitizing strategies, or in morphological criteria like ovipositor length, limiting the success of parasitoid attack. Both, gallmaker and natural enemy populations, appear to be influenced by diverse 'bottom-up' effects rather than controlled by 'top-down' effects The driving variable is the abiotic environment that affects plant species and plant quality which govern the distribution and abundance of galls, and subsequently the pattern of parasitism. Carnivores may have 'top-down' effects on herbivores as well as abiotic or weather factors which may also control the community. Thus, three-trophic-level interactions and mechanisms of interspecific competition may have a combined effect in influencing the community structure of sawfly galls.

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