
‘Disaster is a crisis situation that far exceeds the capabilities’. Disaster includes natural and man- made disasters. Natural disasters are brought about by change in natural phenomenon or what is known as acts of God. Manmade disasters are also known as anthropogenic disasters and they as a result of human intent, error or as a result of failed systems. Natural disasters include things such as floods, volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, floods, tornadoes, landslides and hurricanes. Manmade disasters are technological hazards, sociological hazards and transportation hazards etc .Earthquake being a type of natural disaster is being given specific importance in these journal due to recent devastating effects of earthquake in Nepal and neibouring countries like India. Along with incidence of Nepal earthquake, list of 10 most powerful earthquakes is mentioned to know the magnitude of devastation caused by earthquake. Like earthquake, be it any disaster, manmade or natural, almost everyone in the population is affected by it. It gives a brief account of psychiatric morbidities due to disasters in India. Those who suffer damage are called victims. The victims may die or live. Those who manage to live are called survivors. No particular event is guaranteed to result in post-traumatic psychopathology. It also mentions briefly of what disaster is and types of disasters are natural and manmade.


  • Natural Disaster and Its DevastationDEFINING DISASTER AND ITS TYPES: Disasters are not totally discrete events

  • ‘Disaster is a crisis situation that far exceeds the capabilities’

  • This means that this can only occur in areas that are susceptible to vulnerability

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Natural Disaster and Its Devastation

DEFINING DISASTER AND ITS TYPES: Disasters are not totally discrete events Their possibility of occurrence, time, place and severity of the strike can be reasonably and in some cases accurately predicted by technological and scientific advances. These include man- made and natural disasters. The death toll caused by man made disasters will vary in accordance to geographical location and in this regard, the poorer countries are hardest hit when compared to the richer ones This is attributed to the fact that the richer countries have what it take to respond with speed to calls of distress, and can implement the proper safety measures needed from a distance to handle things safely and rapidly. Other types of natural disasters that are just as disastrous include blizzards, droughts, fires, health disasters and space disasters among others (J:\disaster management\Famous World Disasters by Both Humans and Nature.html) ( 2011-2015 Disasterium.com)

Types of Natural Disasters
The principal components of psychological first aid
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