
The following paper contains a discussion of the theoretical and methodological challenges to understanding the complex reality of heritage production and preservation practices within Triglav National Park (TNP), focusing in particular on the relationship between natural and cultural heritage. As Slovenia’s only national park, TNP is a central site of Slovenia’s national heritage as well as a unique landscape that itself is home to a whole range of heritage elements, both natural and cultural. The central challenge to understanding the culture of heritage within the park lies in the heritage diversity within the park. The author assesses the extent to which employing the concept of contiguity and mapping out fields of contiguity in which diversity is expressed and practiced can enable the researcher to analyze the way that the relationship between nature and culture, between natural and cultural heritage has been defined, expressed and realized in diverse ways over time. V pricujocem besedilu avtorica razpravlja o teoretskih in metolodoskih izzivih pri razumevanju kompleksnosti procesov produkcije in ohranjanja dediscine v Triglavskem narodnem parku (TNP), v katerem je poudarjeno predvsem razmerje med naravo in kulturo oz. naravno in kulturno dediscino. Kot edini slovenski narodni park je TNP srediscni kraj nacionalne dediscine, predstavlja pa tudi enkratno pokrajino s stevilnimi naravnimi in kulturnimi elementi dediscine. Osrednji izziv pri razumevanju dediscine v parku je v njeni raznovrstnosti. Avtorica premislja, do katere mere lahko uporaba koncepta kontigvitete, kakor ga je postavil Maxwell, in mapiranje polj kontigvitete, v katerih se raznovrsnost izraža in prakticira, omogocata analizirati, kako se na razlicne nacine in skoz cas opredeli, izraža in udejani razmerje med naravo in kulturo oz. med naravno in kulturno dediscino.

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