
This linguistic study descriptively analyzes the nativized Hispanic borrowed words in Cebuano Visayan. A lexical analysis of the morphemic structures of words is undertaken in order to investigate the language nativization. The textual source of the analysis is the editorial from Superbalita-Cebu with the title: “Masanta nang Badlungon”. The words are examined as to lexical categories, English equivalents, root words, Spanish equivalents, and nativization. After an in-depth lexical analysis of the morphemic structures of words from the textuality as supported by the theory of phylogenetic change through linguistic borrowing, the following are the findings: (1) The Hispanic borrowed words in the Cebuano Visayan editorial are twelve nouns, three verbs, and three adjectives. (2) All twelve nouns borrowed from Spanish exemplify linguistic acculturation through lexical nativization. (3) The three verbs borrowed from Spanish words reveal nativized spellings and all are added with nativized affixes. (4) The three adjectives borrowed from Spanish change their orthography and native Cebuano Visayan affixes are added. Moreover, based on the findings, it concludes that Hispanic words borrowed in Cebuano Visayan are acculturated through lexical nativization. Hence, this study recommends that a historical and exploratory study be made to the nativized Hispanic borrowed words in Cebuano Visayan to trace back on its origin which will give a better insight to why such word is born and continues to be used.

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