
We have performed first-principles investigations on the native defects in the full Heusler alloys Co$_2$Ti$Z$ ($Z$ one of the group IV elements Si, Ge, Sn), determining their formation energies and how they influence the transport properties. We find that Co vacancies (Vc) in all compounds and the Ti$_\text{Sn}$ anti-site exhibit negative formation energies. The smallest positive values occur for Co in excess on anti-sites (Co$_Z$ or Co$_\text{Ti}$) and for Ti$_Z$. The most abundant native defects were modeled as dilute alloys, treated with the coherent potential approximation in combination with the multiple-scattering theory Green function approach. The self-consistent potentials determined this way were used to calculate the residual resistivity via the Kubo-Greenwood formula and, based on its energy dependence, the Seebeck coefficient of the systems. The latter is shown to depend significantly on the type of defect, leading to variations that are related to subtle, spin-orbit coupling induced, changes in the electronic structure above the half-metallic gap. Two of the systems, Vc$_\text{Co}$ and Co$_Z$, are found to exhibit a negative Seebeck coefficient. This observation, together with their low formation energy, offers an explanation for the experimentally observed negative Seebeck coefficient of the Co$_2$Ti$Z$ compounds as being due to unintentionally created native defects.

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