
Introduction: In 2015, India’s response to climate change was broadened by introducing four new missions including “Health”. National Action Plan for Climate Change and Human Health (NAPCCHH) was prepared in 2018 with objective to strengthen health care services against adverse impact of climate change on health. The Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (MoHFW) approved National Programme on Climate Change and Human Health (NPCCHH) under National Health Mission (NHM) in February 2019. The common Climate Sensitive Diseases (CSDs) are - air pollution related, heat related, water-borne, vector-borne, cardiopulmonary diseases, mental health, food-borne, nutrition related illnesses etc. Currently the three key areas of focus for NPCCHH include air pollution, heat related illnesses and creation of green and climate resilient healthcare facilities. Air Pollution and Human Health: Acute Respiratory Illnesses (ARI) surveillance in context of air pollution was started in year 2017 in Delhi. Key Strategy in coming years are to expand ARI surveillance in all polluted cities of States, developing State/District/Cities level health sector adaptation plan for air pollution and health. Heat and Human Health: Since 2015, heat related illnesses (HRI) surveillance was started from heat vulnerable States of India. Key Strategies in coming year are strengthening the surveillance, standardizing the investigation of deaths due to suspected heat stroke cases, developing State/ District/ City specific heat and health action plan, increasing public awareness and community outreach, developing measures for early warning system/ alerts and response at State, district and below district level. National Centre for Disease Control (NCDC) under MoHFW is incorporating both the green and climate resilient healthcare principles in revising Indian Public Health Service Guidelines.

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