
The National Primary Health Care Partnership (NPHCP) was launched by the Hon Nicola Roxon, Minister for Health and Ageing in June 2008. TheNPHCP comprises 19 peak bodies representing professionals involved in the delivery of primary health care and the Consumers’ Health Forum. Whilst hospitals enjoy a high profile, Australians access most of their health care in primary care settings. It is in this area that real opportunities exist for health improvement, local support and keeping people out of the hospital system where few would actively choose to be. Primary health care in Australia has many players, all working to deliver good outcomes. However our understanding of the skills and services offered by each other has remained limited. Systemic barriers have prevented closer working relationships. This has led to widespread (and sometimes justified) impressions of silos and turf wars which can compromise optimal patient outcomes. It also led to fragmented and sometimes contradictory advocacy efforts whichwere not helpful to the coherent development of policy. The NPHCP was conceived to bring these groups to the same table to gain a greater understanding of roles, policy positions and opportunities for collaboration. It recognises that teamwork, and the attendant mutual respect and communication, are vital to the effectiveness and efficiency of consumer-centred primary health care. There are necessary differences between professions, there are also many commonalities. The NPHCP provides an opportunity to explore and establish common ground to use as the basis for advocacy and policy initiatives. The strong health care reform agenda of the current federal government has provided a sharp focus. The partnership is actively engaged in responding to various reform agendas. In October 2008 the Partnership released its Position Statement on Primary Health Care Reform outlining our common goal of a national primary health care systemwhich:

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