
A national day of prayer has been recognized as a part of our country's heritage since it was declared by the Continental Congress in 1775.... Officially it is the first Thursday of every May; this year it falls on May 5. We could trust the spirit of President Abraham Lincoln who, in despair, said, "I have been driven many times upon my knees by the overwhelming conviction that I had nowhere else to go." This is the anxiety felt by 13-million American children who are "Poorest in a Land of Plenty," title given a film produced by the National Council of Churces, to be introduced on Mother's Day, May 14 (NBC, 1 pm). The NCC's statistics show that "One out of every five children in America is poor; among 20 industrialized nations the USA has the third highest infant mortality rate; among industrialized nations only the USA and South Africa fail to provide comprehensive health care for children and pregnant women.

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