
Abstract : Based on available records, visual inspection, calculations, and past performance, Kellow Lake Dam is judged to be in fair condition. The recommended Spillway Design Flood (SDF) for the size and hazard classification of the dam varies between 1/2 of the Probable Maximum Flood (PMF) and the PMF. Based on the downstream conditions, the 1/2 PMF is selected as the SDF. Under existing conditions the spillway will pass only about 22 percent of the PMF. If all stoplogs were removed from the spillway, the spillway would pass about 51 percent of the PMF. The spillway capacity is rated as adequate provided that all stoplogs are removed. Potential stability problems exist for the dam. A slope failure occurred over one reach at an unknown time in the past. Although the damage in that reach does not appear to be serious, a similar failure could occur in a more critical area and threaten the overall stability of the dam. In addition, steel beams that support the roof of the spillway outlet channel are badly corroded and create a hazardous condition. Although some maintenance has been performed, the program should be expanded to correct all deficiencies.

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