
The aim of this paper is to present an example of best practice of a Russian arts and culture portal as a PR tool - the Megaproject 'KULTU.RU!'. This portal is an example of a socially significant endeavor to include the Internet into the development of arts and culture. Another goal of this paper is to present an idea for a Serbian national project for development of art and culture using IT and the Internet to form the mechanisms for stimulation and support to arts and culture, for promoting Serbian art and culture of the XX and XXI century, for building of the Serbian reputation globally and for forming of a positive image of the country, stimulating creation of new art projects, assisting in building theatre and cinema audiences by the Internet classes, forums, conferences etc. The paper considers in detail the perspectives of such a project in terms of all forms of arts and culture, starting from the theatre, cinema, literature, art etc. It also points to the possible self-sufficiency and profitability of such a project as a very significant element of its functioning.

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