
The main purpose of this article is to analyze the correlation between ‘black letter’ law and its real-life implementation. The correlation is to be examined in light of countries’ and the international community’s proclaimed goal, namely to embed and implement the ‘rule of law’ principle domestically and internationally. Within the context of legal and political documents, as well as statements by political personalities, the rule of law has become the dominant vector for development. It is proclaimed to be one of the basic principles of legal orders in many countries and in the international community. But is the rule of law the most important characteristic of legal orders inside of states and, what is more important, between them? Is there an actual willingness on the part of states to strengthen the international rule of law? This article observes the origins and characteristics of the rule of law in particular with respect to Russia. Both domestic and international rule of law impact each other. Some forms of this interaction and their mutual influence are characterized below. The study also traces intent as formalized in international declarations and their de-facto stance toward the rule of law and international law. This scrutiny enables the conclusion that ‘black letter law’ and real-life application do not currently coincide. There are clear contradictory trends relating to this basic principle at both national and international levels. The first contradiction lies in the entrenchment and implementation of the principle by regulatory means. The second contradiction reveals discrepancies between regulatory instruments and real actions and policies. The article evaluates predispositions for these opposing tendencies; it also assesses alternative prospects for the development of international law and the rule of law.

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