
Objective: This article investigates the national and cultural features of creating names (naming) in language, aiming to explore the underlying principles and influences that shape the process of naming across different cultures and linguistic contexts. The objective of the article is to analyze the intricate interplay between language, culture, and individual identity in the act of naming.
 Methods: The method employed in this study encompasses a comparative analysis of naming practices in diverse linguistic and cultural settings. Through the examination of naming conventions, etymology, and socio-cultural factors, the study seeks to unveil the cultural nuances and linguistic mechanisms that underpin the creation and significance of names.
 Results: The results of the article illuminate the profound connection between names and cultural identity, reflecting the rich tapestry of traditions, beliefs, and historical legacies within diverse linguistic communities. The analysis reveals the intricate ways in which language and culture intersect to imbue names with layers of meaning and symbolism, encompassing familial, societal, and spiritual dimensions.
 Conclusion: Conclusion part includes, the findings emphasize the intrinsic link between naming and cultural identity, highlighting the intricate web of linguistic, historical, and social influences that shape the process of naming across different cultures. The study underscores the importance of honoring and understanding the national and cultural features of creating names, fostering cross-cultural appreciation and respect for the diverse ways in which language and culture intertwine in the act of naming.

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