
Delayed gastric emptying (DGE) is a major cause of undernutrition that can be overcome using nasointestinal (NI) feeding, but tube placement often fails. We analyse which techniques enable successful NI tube placement. Efficacy of tube technique was determined at each of six anatomical points: Nose, nasopharynx-oesophagus, stomach-upper and -lower, duodenum part-1 and intestine. In 913 first NI tube placements, significant associations with tube advancement were found in the pharynx (head tilt, jaw thrust, laryngoscopy), stomach_upper (air insufflation, 10cm or 20-30cm flexible tube tip ± reverse Seldinger manoeuvre), stomach_lower (air insufflation, possibly flexible tip and wire stiffener) and duodenum part-1 and beyond part-2 (flexible tip and combinations of micro-advance, slack removal, wire stiffener or prokinetic drugs). This is the first study to show what techniques are associated with tube advancement and the alimentary tract level they are specific to.

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