
The involvement of newly synthesized proteins and calcium in meiotic processes, sperm nuclear transformations, and pronuclear development was examined in emetine-treated, fertilized, and A-23187-activated Spisula eggs by observing changes in the morphogenesis of the maternal and paternal chromatin. Emetine treatment (50 μg/ml) initiated 30 min before fertilization or A-23187 activation inhibited incorporation of [ 3H]leucine into TCA-precipitable material and blocked second polar body formation. Sperm incorporation and the initial enlargement of the sperm nucleus were unaffected; however, the dramatic enlargement and transformation of the sperm nucleus into a male pronucleus, which normally follow polar body formation, were delayed 10 to 20 min. Unlike the situation in untreated, control eggs, male pronuclear development took place while the maternally derived chromosomes remained condensed. It was not until ∼20 min after the normal period of pronuclear development that the maternal chromosomes dispersed and formed a female pronucleus in emetine-treated, fertilized eggs. Formation of pronuclei, however, was unaffected in both emetine-treated, A-23187-activated eggs and fertilized eggs incubated with A-23187. These observations indicate that germinal vesicle breakdown, first polar body formation, and initial transformations of the sperm nucleus are independent of newly synthesized proteins. Inhibition of second polar body formation and the delay in pronuclear development brought about by emetine, as well as the appearance of silver grains over pronuclei in autoradiographs of control eggs incubated with [ 3H]leucine demonstrate that nascent proteins are involved with the completion of meiotic maturation and the development of male and female pronuclei. The ability of A-23187 to override the override the inhibitory effects of emetine on pronuclear development suggests that both nascent protein and calcium signals are involved in regulating the status of the maternal and paternal chromatin during pronuclear development.

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