
The aim of this case report is to present a case of nasal adenocarcinoma in a young adult cat with underlying feline asthma. A 4-year-old, 2.3 kg, female Oriental Shorthair was referred to Massey University Veterinary Teaching Hospital with a rapidly expanding mass on its left nasal bridge and nasal discharge. Physical examination revealed stertorous respiratory sounds and a mass on the left nasal bridge measuring 3.2cm x 2.5 cm. Computed tomography of the nasal cavity showed mass effect in the left frontal sinus with extensive orbital bone lysis and loss of calvarial bone. Radiographs of the thorax showed possible evidence of metastasis. Fine needle aspirate was performed on the mass and also regional lymph nodes. Subsequently, nasal adenocarcinoma was diagnosed through cytology. Prognosis of the patient was poor as the patient’s condition was significantly complicated by asthma and possible lung metastasis. Palliative treatment was pursued using meloxicam as radiotherapy was not a viable option in this case.

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