
The history of NASA activities and achievements in the past decade is reviewed with consideration given to the Apollo expeditions and the post-Apollo planetary exploration. Progress in spaceborne astronomy and in satellite communications is characterized as revolutionary. It is also noted that Landsat alone may eventually repay the United States for the cost of the entire space program. Special attention is given to the Shuttle program which will be the key to all operations in space for the next decade including the Galileo mission to Jupiter (1982) and the Space Telescope (1983). Future missions could include a Venus orbiter with imaging radar to finally penetrate the cloud cover of the planet and to map its surface; a rover or sample return expedition to Mars; a Saturn orbiter combined with a probe of its Titan satellite, and an examination of Halley's Comet. Finally the next decade should bring the data needed to make a 'go' or 'no go' decision on the concept of SPS that would beam solar energy into earth stations.

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